Falling for Him Page 2
Some rocks jutted out of the ground.
"We will camp here at night.
"He slowed us to a halt and slid easily off the horse,
and he turned and helped me down to the ground before turning to the horse and rummaging through some bundles tied to the saddle."
I watched as he spread a thick blanket, protected by the rocks. .
"" Stay here for a moment, "" he took me to the blanket and I sat down,
my mind wandered as he came and went
, what would mother and father be thinking right now, what would have escaped me? I knew my brothers would be, like my grandmother,
she could have been very hard on me, but I knew she adored me. "
Tears escaped my eyes again, but this time they were silent.
in my dream, Jon had lit a fire and had placed a bowl of waterfront of me with a cup at his side.
I sought him, watching as he tied his horse to the rocks and back.
he bent down before me.
"" Bebe " , "he raised the cup towards me.
I grabbedand drank iced content.
The water tasted very different here, but it was still water.
I watched as he put a cloth in the water container and held it on my forehead.
"Ow", "I retired.
"Stay still, I have to clean this.
"" Persisted.
It stung me and it stung me, but I did not move again.
"" What are these things? "" I gestured at the giant plants.
He laughed at my ignorance.
"" Trees.
They make up the forest.
"" He answered.
He finished cleaning my forehead and then he met my gaze.
He had a pretty face.
I had been in love with my life with a school boy, but Jon easily took his place.
I felt uncomfortable again.
"It's my turn for some questions.
"I twisted under his gaze.
I nodded, letting him move on.
"I know how Mount Tier works.
So you must be an heir of some kind.
True? "" He sat close to me, the firelight dancing in his eyes.
I wondered how much I should reveal to him.
But I'm not the first in line.
I was supposed to get married tomorrow "" | "" I stopped, wondering what destination would have been better.
"Ahh, so that's why you ran away? "" He frowned.
""Do not.
"I bit my lip.
"No, I was excited and everything, but sad to leave my family behind.
My brother and sister were playing a game with me, and I found this door, opened it and fell.
I slipped down and ended up here.
"The story sounded ridiculous to me when I told it again.
"Interesting," he murmured.
"" And how old are you? "" "" I will be sixteen years old tomorrow.
"" My voice sounded depressed, even to my ears.
"You've probably never seen a man before, besides your family, right? "" There was a hint of a smile on his lips.
I shook my head, my cheeks burned with shame.
I wished my mother had taught me more, but she insisted on keeping my sister and me pure for our husbands.
"Well, there are many men here.
"" It seemed to warn.
"And women, too.
And there are no rules like the Mountain, so it is a dangerous place.
"" "" What is that? "" I pointed to the long knife at his side, now guessing his purpose.
"" A broad sword.
It is used for defense.
To kill the people who want to hurt me.
"" His eyes shone playfully, but his face was completely stoic.
He did not doubt at all of his ability.
"What ..." "I started, but he interrupted me.
"My question time, remember? "" I nodded bitterly.
"Your grandfather is the ruler, then, right? "" I hesitated, biting my lip more.
"Yes," I whispered.
"I can not use it against you, I'm just curious.
" He reassured me.
He lay back and seemed to reflect on everything.
He had a tragic look around him as he watched the fire.
I wondered how it had ended here, how the Savages had survived.
I had always been taught that the people of the mountain were that.
Why would they lie? They had to know that there were others around here.
It was unsettling how little he knew about this world.
"I suppose you want to sleep.
"" Jon stood up, his joints jumping audibly, and he walked towards a rock.
He sat down and leaned against her.
"I'll keep watching for tonight.
"I felt strange to see him watching me, so I faced the other side and stood on my side.
The floor was surprisingly comfortable and the fire kept me warm enough.
I could not get used to strange noises; the loud squawks, the snort of the horse, the torrent of water.
Eventually I fell asleep with my head hitting and exhausted, trying not to think about what had happened to my life.
Chapter 3
I woke up with a start, realizing that I had been dreaming the strangest dream of all.
Maybe I had played too hard with my brothers and my mind was upset.
However, today was my wedding, so I had to put aside everything else and focus on my future.
My eyes snapped open, and I was greeted with a very unpleasant vision.
My head hurt even more horribly than before.
The sun only peeked out from the distant flat earth; It was still quite dark.
The embers of the fire the previous night burned.
I turned around slowly, all the muscles hurt from the fall and I crashed against the rocks the day before.
Jon was a few meters away from me, facing the big rocks and his horse.
He seemed to be deeply asleep.
So much for him watching, I thought bitterly.
There was a loud noise of rocks hitting each other at some distance in the forest.
My heart stopped foolishly, my mouth without moisture.
Something was out there.
I approached Jon, debating whether to wake him up or not.
There was another clash, this time much stronger.
I steeled myself and grabbed him gently by the shoulder.
Before I knew what had happened, Jon was on top of me, his knees holding my arms down, something that felt like cold steel against my throat.
My heart started beating again, only now it was hammering my chest and my ears.
It took a moment for me to recognize myself.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, pushing the sharp knife away from my delicate throat.
However, it kept astride me, which I found quite uncomfortable for many reasons.
"Why did you wake me up? "" He frowned.
"" II, well, there was a noise and "" | "" I vanished, losing my voice because of fear.
"" That's nothing.
They open the doors from time to time to exile people.
"" He explained.
"The doors?" "I was perplexed.
" "Yes, the gates of Mount Tier, they
only open them when they get rid of criminals and things like that, you
must have pissed someone off,
" he said bitterly.
"Well, if the doors are open, take me there! Take me Home! "" My voice rose with hope.
His face closed.
"" I can not do this.
"" Immediately I got angry, and fought under his weight in vain.
I was a princess and I needed to get home and my wedding before it was too late.
"Let me go!" I yelled.
He put a rough hand on my mouth.
nbsp; His eyes shone dangerously, my flaming red hair reflected in the black depths and only made it look even more deadly.
"" Think about it, princess.
They just opened the door to expel a criminal.
If that person finds us, he can try to kill us.
I can not walk to the doors with you and tell them to let you come back.
It does not work like that.
"My mouth loosed under his hand, he
had to, My grandfather would have me back!" Angry tears fell into my burning hair, and he
felt that he was still not willing to accept his logic.
"I'll take you back, they'll kill me without questioning me.
They can let you live on the lower level, but you will never go home.
Now you are impure and you are not fit for marriage, and you know it.
You have seen how unfair they can be.
"" He removed his hand.
I refused to find his look.
He knew this all the time.
Why did not he tell me yesterday? "You promised to help me.
"" My voice trembled.
His face remained stony.
I kept you alive all night.
I never said you would go home.
You will never be able
"I let his truth sink.
Deep, I knew he was right.
He turned away from me suddenly.
"We need to move now.
He will not be safe here for long.
So you can come with me or stay.
I do not care in any way now.
"" He stood up and started packing everything while I watched, trying to decide what to do.
Without him, he was dead.
With him, he could die with the same ease.
I stood up and took off my skirts.
He was already mounted on his horse, away from Mount Tier.
He looked at me, arching an eyebrow.
I glared at him and turned on my heels, heading towards my house.
I heard his dark laughter as I retreated.
I ordered myself not to look back.
I was going home on my own and I would never tell anyone the whole story.
Chapter 4
I walked while the sun beat me through the trees.
I was thirsty, I was tired, I was hungry and I had to use the bathroom.
I tried to ignore that impulse, never having gone to the bathroom in a forest.
I felt quite stupid and a little out of my element, plain and simple.
My clothes were soaked in dirt and blood and they were in tatters beyond recognition.
My feet ached from walking the long distance and my sides hurt from the effort.
Finally I could not take it anymore.
I took in my environment.
The trees had not thinned at all, but in my stubbornness I knew I was going in the right direction.
At least I expected that.
I hid behind a nearby tree and lifted my skirts, trying to convince myself I was home.
Not a second after I finished my business, I looked up when something caught my eye.
Fear flooded my veins.
A man stopped trying to hide behind a group of trees.
I felt the color of my face vanish in total shame.
It was strange, but I wore clothes that I recognized.
He was from Mount Tier, probably the person they exiled this morning.
He had a blank look and was emaciated and ghostly.
Something in him scared me, but at least it was from home.
He could tell me where the doors were.
"Hello," I called nervously.
He came out of the trees cautiously and took a few steps toward me.
"I'm Elise, I'm from Mount Tier too.
Maybe you could show me the way to the door? "I tried to be as lovely as possible.
It was working.
He nodded silently and pointed in the direction he had directed me.
""Thank you.
"I smiled pleasantly.
What did Jon know about us? The people were not all bad.
I waved goodbye and turned on my heels.
I kept walking, walking on groups of plants and rocks, finding water and drinking until my belly hurt.
The sun reflected on my back, making me feel hot and itchy.
I kept telling myself that I was almost home, so close now.
I paused to catch my breath and noticed that the trees were finally thinning.
I heard a click behind me, and I turned quickly.
I did not see anyone at the beginning.
Then my eye spotted a shirt sleeve, so out of place among the trees.
He left the shelter of thick green plants like a ghost.
The man from before.
Maybe he was also trying to go home.
However, his face had changed in some way.
He had a mockery of malice.
"Do you mind if I accompany you on the trip home, dear?" His voice was not at all kind.
I started shaking my head and retreating.
""Oh I'm sorry.
I would like someone to keep me warm tonight.
"" He took threatening steps forward.
I backed up, hitting a tree.
I felt cornered and caged, like the birds that we kept at home.
"" No-no, thanks.
"I stuttered.
He laughed cruelly, closing the gap between us.
He extended his thin hand and stroked my face.
I turned my face away from him, my chest heaving; I felt that I was going to faint.
He grabbed my throat suddenly, contracting my airway.
I gasped and held my breath as I crushed my windpipe.
I grabbed and scratched his deceptively strong hand.
He smiled, showing yellowed and decayed teeth, and threw me to the ground.
I gasped for air, my head felt light.
Coughing, I tried to get away.
I did not see his foot rush to my ribs, but I heard the crunch and felt the pain attack.
I could not even scream.
I fell on my back and wrapped my arms around my side, shedding tears involuntarily from my eyes.
He straddled me, and I could not muster any strength to fight him through my pain.
I felt a hand on my thigh and my stomach slumped further.
I was going to do? I writhed, but I only managed to make him laugh even more.
The hand got up, my skirts exposing my bare legs to the forest.
I heard the sound of a horse, only that it seemed to be running instead of walking like the night before.
I groaned, hoping there were no more men like this.
"You may want to leave her now, did you hear? "" Jon's voice sounded out loud from above me.
My eyes widened with exaltation.
The man did not move.
Jon's face was livid, and he held his sword in his hand.
Su caballo resopló y pisoteó el suelo.
Saltó con facilidad y sostuvo el instrumento mortal en la garganta del hombre.
"" Él ordenó.
Una peligrosa calma emanaba de él.
El hombre se levantó y se levantó de mí, y me incorporé rápidamente, bajándome las faldas hasta los tobillos y tratando de respirar.
"" Gruñó, apuntando su cabeza hacia una gran roca.
El hombre obedeció.
Los ojos de Jon brillaron hacia mí.
"" Tú, sube al caballo y dirígete de esa manera "", indicó más profundamente en el bosque.
"" No vuelvas atrás.
Vendré y te encontraré.
"" Solo pude jadear en respuesta.
Él hizo un ruido de chasquido, y el caballo caminó obedientemente hacia mí, inclinando su gran cabeza.
Me agarré de su robusto cuello mientras me levantaba.
r /> No podría subir; Apenas podía pararme derecha.
Giramos y di algunos pasos antes de que tuviera que tomar un descanso y recuperar el aliento.
Me di la vuelta en silencio y miré hacia la roca, deseando de inmediato no haberlo hecho.
Escuché las torpes súplicas del hombre, vi el destello de la espada en la luz del sol y oí un sonido repugnante e indescriptible.
Cuando volvió a levantar la espada, se tiñó de sangre brillante.
Jon levantó la vista, sus ojos se encontraron con los míos.
Sabía que debía temer a Jon; No sería saludable no hacerlo.
Pero él me había salvado la vida más de una vez y no podía tenerle miedo.
Me di la vuelta y di algunos pasos más, el animal voluminoso obedeciendo mi lento paso.
Nos detuvimos y descansamos nuevamente, y sentí una mano en mi codo.
Me sentí muerta por dentro, como si hubiera sido arrancada y escupida por un gran monstruo.
En cierto modo, lo había sido.
Los ojos de Jon eran ilegibles.
"" No te lastimó "" ¦ "" sonaba más como una pregunta, y sus ojos brillaron con ira y preocupación.
Tenía la sensación de que se refería a un tipo de dolor diferente.
"" Sólo mis costillas "," mi voz ronca.
Puse una mano en mi garganta, y él asintió a sabiendas.
Él apretó los dientes.
"¿Crees que puedes montar?" "Sabía que sería doloroso, pero quería llegar lo más lejos posible de aquí.
Agarró mis caderas y me levantó.
Apreté los dientes para no gritar.
Él se levantó detrás de mí, teniendo cuidado de no tocar mi costado.
En poco tiempo, mi cabeza se inclinó hacia un lado y me desmayé.
Mis ojos se abrieron hasta el tenue crepúsculo.
Un fuego crepitaba cerca, y pude distinguir la forma de Jon doblando ante las llamas.
Me dolía aún la cabeza, me palpitaban las costillas y me dolía la garganta.
Me apoyé en la silla, cubierta con una manta de lana.
El suelo era elástico y suave debajo de mí.
Hice movimientos, pero el dolor me golpeó y no pude evitar hacer un ruido patético.
Jon se volvió hacia mí.
"¿Despierto, princesa?", Se levantó y caminó hacia mí, con una especie de bolso en la mano.
Todo lo que pude hacer fue asentir.
Su tono era ligero y aireado ahora.
"" Creo que me gustas más cuando no puedes hablar.
"Se rió entre dientes, agachándose a mi lado.
Lo fulminé con la mirada.